m Investment In Education Infrastructure

More than $50 million will be invested in priority infrastructure at schools across the state, addressing urgent upgrades and expansions to help with capacity.

Multi-million dollar improvements will be made at Fairview Park Primary School, Fulham Gardens Primary School and Taparra Primary School.

The Minister for Education, Training and Skills, Blair Boyer, announced the investment today at Fairview Park Primary School.

Located in Adelaide’s north-eastern suburbs, the school will receive $10 million to replace outdated buildings with modern new facilities.

In regional South Australia, Fraser Park Primary School in Murray Bridge will receive $10m that will go towards demolishing old transportable buildings and to replacing the preschool.

There will also be a further $5m for Mt Barker High School to support upgrades to help with capacity and new physical education and food technology areas.

The funding will allow the Department for Education to progress urgent upgrades at some of our highest priority sites. Funding has been allocated to upgrade and improve existing assets as well as replacing assets that have reached the end of their serviceable life.

Oakbank School has also received $15.9 million, announced as part of the release of the 20-Year Infrastructure Plan for Education and Care, to rejuvenate and update the site’s facilities.

Planning is underway with each of the schools to develop building plans to meet their education and capacity requirements.

As put by Blair Boyer

Investing in our people, particularly our young people, is one of the best investments a government can make – and ensuring they have access to a great education with great facilities is the first step.

This funding is targeted to help public schools with the greatest need deliver an education for students in facilities that are modern and fit for purpose.

Every investment we are making is aimed at making sure families can be confident in choosing their local school.

As put by Member for Newland, Olivia Savvas

The Malinauskas Labor Government knows that education, and making every school a great school, is not just about one element, but that high-quality, fit-for-purpose infrastructure provides the foundation for effective teaching and improving outcomes.

And some of our schools, particularly in my electorate, are out of date and not providing the best opportunity for their students.

I have been advocating for an investment at Fairview Park Primary School for a long time and I am so pleased to see that they will have new buildings and infrastructure to support the incredible work the teachers do every single day.

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